Jul 21, 2012


The Prince tribute band Endorphinmachine posing with the rave blue and white cloud guitar!
Dale - Prince
Paddy - Guitars
Marcellus Drums / Samples
Ryan - Bass
Shack - Keys / Loops/ Samples
Iain - Alto / Tenor / Sop Sax / Flute
Jamie - Trumpet
Kate - Backing Vox / Percussion
Jess - Backing Vox / Percussion

Jul 8, 2012

Animated LPP Art

Here is a beautiful drawing and animation of Troy Gua's LPP drawn by  Евгения Яковчук of the Ukraine! I have to say I'm loving the yellow cloud!

Jul 7, 2012

Cloud Art

A little 1999 and a little Purple Rain!

Jul 4, 2012