Oct 30, 2013

Look Up In The Air.....

....it's your guitar!

Oct 22, 2013

Rave Blue Cloud Downunda!

$2,600.00 is the asking price for this Rave Blue Cloud guitar! It's one of the Schechter's that was sold in the early 00's. The seller is located in Australia so I'm not sure if it will ship to the US? I'm not even sure if it is still available......I've sent a message but have gotten no response yet. I'll let you all know if I hear anything!

Oct 20, 2013

2 Blues

These 2 blues are currently in production and I can hardly wait! Daniel Davis is building the Rave Blue cloud and Jesse O'Neal is building the Blue Angel cloud for me! They both look so amazing and I and I'm so happy with the awesome job these two always do....Thanks guys!

The Ergo Bass!

Jesse O'Neal's beautiful  bass cloud being played by another winged beauty!

Oct 16, 2013

Tinkerbell Would Be Proud!

This purple cloud guitar built by Jesse O'Neal really does looks like it was grown in the garden and played by the woodland fairies! Thanks to Jesse for the great photo and his beautiful winged, cloud playing model!