Dec 21, 2014

Behind The Cloud

I found these cool yellow Cloud guitar pic's on this man's FB page!

Dec 6, 2014

Cool Cloud Art!

Dec 4, 2014

Heavenly Christmas Cloud

What a great shot of Michael Shannon Shelby & the Heavenly cloud getting us all in the Christmas spirit!

Dec 2, 2014

Blue Cloud 4 Sale on eBay!

It was originally a white Schecter that was repainted.....please read the notes on this eBay page for the history of this cloud!


Daniel Davis Cloud 4 Sale

Daniel Davis has this beauty up for sale right now on.....ebay go check it out!

Nov 22, 2014

Sweet Lefties!

What a great shot of two great rare guitars!

The Oz Cloud

Nov 20, 2014

Yes Lisa....

It was a long time coming but Lisa P got the white cloud guitar she's been waiting for! Someone in the cloud guitar group offered up a non-playing cloud for free (how cool is that!) Lovin the 7 on the truss rod cover (jealous) I know you've been wanting one for a long time Lisa and I can't think of anyone who deserves one more! Show it off proudly girl!

Nov 8, 2014

Color U Peach & Black!

I can't thank Jesse O'Neal enough for putting this Peach cloud for me! Peach color with all black hardware which makes it a true Peach & Black creation!

Beauty & The Cloud!

Not sure if it's a lefty or a reverse image but they both look great!

I See A Cloud!

Nice collection with a lefty cloud thrown in the mix!!!

Sep 26, 2014

Sep 19, 2014

Jesse O'Neal has done it again! I almost didn't want to post this because of selfish reasons (lol) but I can't deny U all this beauty! 4 sale now on eBay......go check it out!


Sep 12, 2014

Aug 10, 2014

Cloud Guitar Wall Art!

This Piece of art was made by Jon Sojka over at This is a non-playing cloud guitar that was made just to hang on my wall as art on display. I seen some of the beautiful wood working he had done and asked him if he would be able to make this for me and I'm glad I did! He did an amazing job on it and far exceeded my expectations! I let him choose the woods since he knows a lot more about that than I do and the symbols were a total surprise! Don't worry I'm not leaving it outside....that is just for this photo shoot! The cloud as you all know is a complex guitar to build and it took a little time but was soooo well worth it! Thanks again to you for your amazing work Jon!