Jan 25, 2015

Mmmmmm....Purple Cake!

Now if only the Purple Rain coat and Oz's cloud came with every box of cake mix!

Wait! Don't forget to make some of these!

Jan 21, 2015

Michael & The Heavenly Cloud!

Michael Shannon Shelby posing with the angelic Heavenly Cloud! Amazing photo Michael!

Reithen Retires?

Reithen Satire Curtis says he's getting away from making cloud guitars!  (Say it ain't so bro!) But not before giving us some really cool pic's of a cloud being built! Damn....it looks good just like that! Awesome Reithen!  Keep on keepin on man! 

Jan 9, 2015

Pawel's Vanilla & Chocolate Cloud!

Check out Brooke & Ridge's new song and video "Studniowka" featuring Pawel's cool Vanilla & Chocolate cloud!

Jan 4, 2015

Steve Bennett's Mini Clouds!
