Beautiful Cloud Ad....I Mean, Camera Ad?

Wow.....if there would ever be an ad for the cloud guitar this is what it should look like!
 I thought I was about to hear this guy start killin some funky purple jam's (didn't happen) but it was just a beautifully shot ad which was really about the camera that was filming it not the cloud guitar! Damn....oh well I still enjoyed it!

Nov 2, 2015

Shelby Gettin It!

I didn't hear it but I have to think that Michael Shelby was killing it on his Heavenly Cloud!

Oct 15, 2015

The Face On My Cloud!

Trying out a few ideas....any suggestions?

Oct 6, 2015

Schecter Clouds

I seen these pics on Schecter's website and for a few seconds I thought or should I say hoped that they had started selling them again but unfortunately that wasn't the case. I was a clicking fool trying to add them to my! They just have an area of all the guitars they have built over  the years...Damn! In the vault section they do have old catalogs that feature the blue and white clouds if your curious. Who knows maybe if you we ask nicely they might build them again?

Oct 4, 2015

How Cool is That?

I would buy that in a minute! I don't know if it will ever be available in America but if it is i'll be first in line.....oh, and i'll let you all know too!

Sep 27, 2015

Sep 22, 2015

7th Heaven

Check out these great shots of Michael Shannon Shelby's Heavenly Cloud!

Aug 2, 2015

Double Yellow By Greg Long


Aug 1, 2015

Gregory's Sexy Blue Angel 4 Sale!

Ok Cloud guitar lovers....if you've always wanted one this might be  the time! KG's selling his beautiful Blue Angel Cloud. Hurry up...I can't imagine that it will be there for long. Contact Gregory for details.

Jul 6, 2015

Brooke & Ridge in Koncert

Brooke & Ridge in concert featuring Pawel's Bubbinga Cloud Guitar!

Jul 2, 2015

Jun 9, 2015

Keith's Cloud!

WOW! Very nice Keith! One of the early Schecter Cloud's with the symbol fret markers!
I have one but it didn't have the symbol s on it...DAMN! I'm jealous! Prince was selling them in white and rave blue on the NPG website for a short while around 00'- 01' if I remember correctly. I can't tell you how many people ask me where they can find a Schecter cloud but they are getting harder and harder to come by these days. Hold on to it Keith!

Jun 5, 2015

Tim's Purple Cloud!

Check out Tim Vaughn's beautiful Purple Cloud! His cloud is a Bell Custom design....Very nice Tim!