Oct 24, 2016

Jonathan Ross & Chelsea

The Yellow Experience!

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Benjamin Scott DeLaney on the beautiful left-handed purple cloud!

Cloud Art


Paisley Park Security?

Well a lot happened this last week starting with the opening of the Paisley Park museum (that still hurts to say) and all seemed to be going well until some photos got out of a few people posing with the purple piano and rave blue cloud guitar in a very some very disrespectful ways. So I had to respond with this meme!

Hand Made Cloud From a Video!

I think it looks great and the fact that he did it just by watching the "I Wish U Heaven: video is amazing!

I was 15 years old and built my first guitar...the Blue Angel. It's lacking quite some detail but that's due to the fact that i only had a blurry VHS tape of "I wish you heaven". In this video the cloud guitar rotates across the screen which was the only way to make a drawing of the guitar!

Crazy Cloud Art!

I love it though!