Feb 23, 2017

Bruno's Cloud!

A post shared by Bruno Mars (@brunomars) on

Check these clouds out! Fredrick say he can make you one for a good price......give him a shout!


Feb 19, 2017

The official Tribute Tee!

Oh how I wish I knew this existed! I would of loved to get a hold of one or both of these but I hear they are really hard to come by these days. I love how the cloud guitar surrounds Princes name....great design! Fortunately the technology is at the point where I think I can get one made! Thanks for sharing this photo Paul Aiden!

Feb 12, 2017

White Cloud @ The 2017 Grammy's

Well I'm sure you have seen the Bruno Mars tribute to Prince at the 2017 Grammy Awards by now! It was quite shocking to see the white cloud guitar on stage being played by someone else but I think Bruno did a good job. I have to say I don't think anyone will ever truly capture that Prince energy  but I give Bruno for trying. The cloud is a Schecter made obvious by the large logo on the head stock but I did love the symbol fret markers that were on it. Well I think that has to be the last official award show tribute to Prince and I think it's time to let that go. It still hurts and I feel that it always will. #PRINCE4EVER #WHITECLOUD

Feb 5, 2017


The LoveSexy tour was one of his most colorful era's in bot music and images and this pic remastered by Frankie Ruiz totally captures that! 

Parade Era Cloud!

This is such a great shot during the parade era i believe....I wonder what he was playing?

