Jun 29, 2017

A Sweet Purple Lefty Cloud!

What a beautiful Cloud! Royal Purple and gold on this stunning cloud! Thank you Robert for letting me use this pic!

K.G. Done Did It Again!

It has some glitter but it ain't gold ya'lll! Made by Mr. Kevin Gregory Jr.....wow! Loving everything about it right down to the spade fret marks which Prince used on his peach cloud!  Well done Sir!


Pink Cloud!

Photo Posted by Paul Savage.

Jun 20, 2017

Italian Prince Party!

On June 7th 2017 Rudy Giorgio Panizzi had an Italian Prince party where he presented his book "Sometimes it Snows In April" and also exhibited his Rave Blue Schecter cloud guitar! Just Check out all the cool stuff he has in this room.....aside from the obvious cloud guitar the Luke Skywalker cutout that's dressed to the 9's has to be my favorite thing! Thank you for sharing this Rudy!

Jun 17, 2017

Jun 1, 2017