Aug 14, 2017

Cool Cloud Graphics

Seen some pretty cool cloud graphics. I've never used this website so I don't know about the quality of the products but I might get a few mugs.

Aug 13, 2017

Paisley Park Clouds 4 Sale!

Paisley Park has sent e-mails to people who previously ordered and purchased the blue or white cloud guitars last year. They are now offering the Peach & Yellow limited edition Schecter cloud guitars. I have a feeling these might go pretty fast. It looks like they are asking for $1,800 up front. No $250.00 first then the rest later. I'm guessing they are doing this to insure the buyers won't back out later on. I hope everyone who wants one has a chance to get one. Good Luck!

Aug 10, 2017

Blue Mood

A rare photo of Prince with his Blue Angel.