Jun 20, 2018

The Lilac Cloud

Thanks to Dennis Dizi Daniels for sharing these photos of his beautiful and rare lilac cloud! I’ve never seen this shade of purple on any other cloud. It still amazes me how I can still be surprised when I see a new and unique cloud guitar! Thanks again for sharing Dennis.


Jun 9, 2018

Killa's Clouds!!!

Damn....what?  Look at all those bass clouds! What you trying to do Killa...lol! That's how it starts...next thing ya know you have a room full of them...but what a great problem to have!  To my knowledge those are the only yellow and blue Angel bass clouds that I know of.....very cool and very rare! They look incredible and I know you are bringing the funk wit it!

Gurdip's White Cloud Guitar!

Check out Gurdip Matharu's beautiful cloud guitar! I love seeing clouds from all over the world and this one resides in Ontario Canada. Thank you Gurdip for sending me your pic's for me to post...sorry it took me so long to post them though. Feel free to send more if you want!