Jul 31, 2010

A New Addition!

No it's not another Cloud.....It's the Hohner HTA490 reproduction of the Prinz Telecaster that I've been waiting on for months! I hope in time I will get another Cloud but until then I'm more than content with these two beauties!
Here is a link where I purchased the Hohner if your interested....it's a great collectible to have for only $800.00!

Jul 26, 2010

Black Hummer, Yellow Cloud

I love this photo....Yellow Cloud laying up against the black hummer and the "NPG" Plate with the tiny symbol in the window.....whats not to like!

Jul 21, 2010

Coffin Cloud

Ok I love the White Cloud but I'm not crazy about the coffin case! Maybe it's a Vampire Cloud? I've been looking for a good case for my cloud but I don't think that's the one I would choose but it does look pretty peaceful in there though....LOL!

Jul 20, 2010

More Purple Cloud

Here are some more pic's of this Purple Cloud which is getting me more and more curious? There was a letter attached from Paisley Park Studios that read.......

Enclosed per our agreement is a Purple Cloud guitar....the guitar has been used by Prince in rehearsals and photo shoot in Minneapolis. We have packed the instrument securely for a safe journey to you. We trust it will be happy in it's new home, and appreciate our exclusive arrangements with you.

I didn't post the letter because there are some names on it but I think it looks pretty authentic. I'm just wondering which photo shoots it was used in? The person that sent me these photos also sent me a picture of Prince on That Guitar Plaer photo! Hmmmm....
Well where ever it is or where it came from thats one beautiful Cloud! Maybe I'll get to see it in person one day!
Here is a link to the previous post on this guitar.

Jul 17, 2010

Black Cloud Photo Shoot

Prince rockin the typhoon hairdo and the Black Cloud during the Diamonds and Pearls era. The Yellow Cloud was what he usually used during this time but for this photo shoot I guess the Black Cloud looked better.

A Toothpick Cloud?

Ok...now thats crazy....but still cool!

Edzeeland's "Slammin" Purple Rain Solo

Wow....is all I have to say about that! That deserves a standing ovation! If I could do half as good as that on my cloud I would die a happy man! This is Edzeeland doing an amazing Purple Rain solo on his Peach Cloud.....or what I think is a Peach cloud (correct me if I'm wrong about that!) Don't worry about practicing too much Ed....it sounded great to me! I have to rank that solo right up there with Syracuse 85' and the AMA's performances! Thanks again for the great video...I'm sure all the Cloud guitar lovers out there will appreciate it!

Kiss The Crowd

Prince with the Blue Angel blowin a kiss to the crowd!

Cloud Portrait

I love this pale blue cloud portrait......great color with the symbol s between the frets. I'm not sure if it's an actual cloud or one that's been photo-shopped but i still love it!

Jul 15, 2010


I finally had a chance to listen to 20Ten and I'm loving it! So far I'm diggin "Compassion" and "Future love Song" an instant classic in my humble opinion! The overall sound is very retro-funk which is just fine with me. I'm just hoping he will break out the a Purple Cloud or any Cloud this time around!

Jul 11, 2010

Bambi And The Blue Angel

Prince performing Bambi in Tokyo with the Blue Angel!

Jul 9, 2010

Blue Rave In The Box

This Schecter Blue Rave Cloud was for sale on ebay awhile back........damn, I should of bid on it! Someone needs to climb through my window and give this to me and I promise I won't hit you! These were the images on the Prince website back in the day when they were for sale! I still regret not getting the blue one as well!

Jul 8, 2010

The Fender Cloud?

I was dreaming when I made this......forgive me if it goes astray!
The photo below is Prince playing his powder blue fender on "Good Morning America" to promote the planet Earth album back in 2007.
I came across this wondeful illustration of Prince playing this Fender which I'm sure was inspired from his GMA performance. The artist patski22 who created it decided to make his guitar a combination between the Fender and the Cloud which is just awsome if you ask me! http://patski22.deviantart.com/galler/#d1koyyv

Well you know me......I couldn't leave it like that! Just like this artist was inspired to create this awsome work of art I was also inspired to see what it would really look like and do one of my own! Now as much as I like the Fender he uses these days I would love to see him just change the color of the cloud to go with his current look but I don't think he'll be doing that unfortunately so I opended up my photo software and went to work just to see what a Fender / Cloud hybred would look like for real and this is how it turned out! I think I could see him playing this!

Guitar Player

Prince with the Blue rave on the cover of Guitar Player. I don't think he's on the cover of that magazine nearly enough!

Jul 7, 2010

Cloud Art & Fashion

Prince has had some great clothes over the years but I don't think he's seen this yet! This is a great piece of Cloud guitar art in my opinion......very unique and original! I'm beginning to think there are alot more Cloud fans out there than I thought!
Drawn and designed by Cory Morrell.

Jul 6, 2010

Prince / Cloud Sculpture

How cool is this?
A wonderful sculpture of "The Kid" and the White Cloud guitar. it looks like the artist really put alot into it and is a big Prince fan as well. I don't have any info of the artist who created it but I put the link where I found the photos at the bottom of the post.


Jul 5, 2010

Mini Clouds

I've seen quite a few Mini Cloud guitars aroung the internet but I have yet to purchase any. Most of the ones I've seen are quite nice and some are not so nice. There are two links below which will take you to a few quality Mini sites. The "Prinz" and the "Symbol" guitars are also available.http://www.miniatureguitar.com/

Cloud Promo On Ebay

This is an Original Official Prince Hard Rock Cafe Minneapolis Cloud Guitar Promo Display Card. This Collectible Full Color Glossy Display Card has a picture of Prince's Cloud Guitar which was given to the Hard Rock Cafe in Minneapolis, Minnesota for Display there. The Promo Card has a write up about the Cloud Guitar and Prince's talents including his Guitar Playing.
The Promo Card measures 9" inches Long x 4" inches Wide. It would look Great displayed in a Frame!