Jan 31, 2011

Lovesexy 88'

Even though the photos are in black and white I assure that he's playing the Blue Angel! Actually he's giving the Blue Angel hell!

Jan 29, 2011

Cloud Art

A great portrait and caricature of prince with his White Cloud and the purple rain falling in the background. The artist has this on an auction site with some of his other art. (Link Below)

Jan 28, 2011

Priest & His Sugizo Edwards Cloudie!

Here is a few photos of Priest playing his Sugizo white Cloud and I'm digging the "crime scene" strap! The photo of his cloud on the old piano keyboard is great....I would love to frame that and hang it on my wall! It's always great to find another cloud owner or when they find the cloud blog! Keep on jammin Priest!

Jan 25, 2011

One Day Everyday Will be A Yellow Day!

A beautiful up close shot of the yellow Cloud. I believe this is the one that's in the Smithsonian Institute. One of these days I'm gonna have to get up there and check it out!

Inside The Purple Cloud

Here is a rare glimpse into the inner workings of the Cloud guitar.....and just not any Cloud but the beautiful and mysterious "Purple Cloud"! i know this Cloud was in his hands at some point but I have yet to see any photos of him with it......still waiting!

Color Me Red And Black!

I think this Edwards Cloud was for sale awhile back but it had a little damage. Still looks good though.....especially laying on a red furry rug!!

Neo Manifesto Cover

Act II Tour (1994)

Jan 22, 2011

Black / White & Yellow

I'm pretty sure this black and white photo was taken around the Diamonds & Pearls era so I have to assume that he is holding the yellow Cloud. Great photo no matter which Colud it is!

Jan 20, 2011

Unfinished Cloud

These beautiful photos of an unfinished cloud shows you just how beautiful this guitar really is. It's truly a work of art....no strings, no paint, no hardware and it still catches your eye! My hat's off to the artist who created it!

Jan 15, 2011

Princes Gold Fender

Prince will auction off his gold leaf axe after a string of shows in New York and New Jersey this month. The gilded Stratocaster appeared Wednesday night, December 15, at the Izod Center in East Rutherford, N.J and will also be played at a December 29 gig at Madison Square Garden, N.Y., N.Y. The best part of this story is that the proceeds of the auction will benefit the Harlem Children's Zone, a community organization that serves more than 17,000 children. Kudos to Prince, a man of many dimensions.
I wish I could bid on that beauty but I have a feeling it might be a little out of my league! Maybe I could just order a raw cloud and have it done up in gold leaf.....hmmmmm?

Jan 8, 2011

Baby......Don't Waste Your Tme!

I know.....what's on your mind!
wouldn't be satisfied...
with a one night stand....
and I could never take the place....of your man!
When ever I see the Peach Cloud I always think of this video.......to me it was the Peach Clouds greatest moment!

Jan 3, 2011

How Much? Damn! Pt. 2

I believe this is the same Yellow Cloud that I posted in an earlier post but it's just in a different spot this time (check the link below) I still wish I could of gotten my hands on that!