Feb 24, 2012

Hard Rock Cloud

I think I've posted various pics of this cloud guitar over the years but I had not seen it from this angle before! I assume it's in a Hard Rock Cafe' somewhere but i'm not sure which one.

Feb 22, 2012

Feb 11, 2012

The Kid!

How cool is this replica of the Kid on his motorcycle from the Artist Troy Gua....now I know this isn't cloud guitar related but I couldn't resist (it's just 2 cool) and I'm sure Appolonia is out buying him the white cloud as we speak!

Feb 10, 2012

Cloud Guitar Forum

I'm setting up this new Cloud Guitar Forum to help people find each other who are either selling of looking to buy a cloud guitar. When ever I find one for sale I'll add it to the forum. The forum can be found at the bottom of the blog. You are welcome to add your own posts as well! Happy Hunting!

Feb 6, 2012

Cloud Gutar Worklog

I found a series of videos on building a cloud guitar on YouTube that was uploaded by Stygian Shane.  He says he's building it for a client of his and the videos span about 6 months in early 2011. He seems to be a great craftsman and very knowledgeable on a variety of wood working techniques! If your trying to build your own cloud guitar and your a little unsure on how to get going this just might help! I'm curious on how it turned out!