Sep 30, 2012

Vanessa & LPP Up Close and Personal!

It's almost like a behind the scenes moment at the LPP headquarters! I wasn't privy to the conversation between these two but I'm sure it was interesting! I think he's telling her about the opera and how he's into his 5th!  Thanks to Vanessa and Troy Gua for this cool photo that includes the very awesome yellow cloud guitar!

Priest's Pokerface & More!

I hadn't heard this in awhile until it was posted on Facebook recently. This is so awesome....posted quite awhile back by Priest on Youtube he's giving us his version of Lady Gaga's Pokerface! I know it's not a cloud guitar he's playing although he does have one it's just so awesome I have to post it! This is just the tip of the iceberg though. Check out his youtube page to see and hear alot more!



Tim's Purple Cloud!

Very cool and very rare! There are very few puple clouds around and it looks like he's using it well! I'm really digging Lisa on the bass too....(wink)!


Sep 26, 2012

Ergo Bass Update!

Looking good ya'll! Jesse Blue O'Neal sent a few shots of the 4 & 5 string bass clouds he's building and they keep looking better and better! He's giving them a few coats of stain now so they will be much darker when he's finished. He's truly a master of his craft!

Sep 18, 2012

Sound Check!

One of my favorite clips of Prince and the SOTT / Lovesexy band doing a sound check with the peach cloud. Damn even the sound check could be released as a single...LOL!


I'm loving the artwork on OOH's flyer!

Sep 16, 2012

The Dream Factory Cloud!

Another very unique cloud guitar that is available from Jesse O'Neal! This is a 6 string which includes a rare whammy bar! The front has a holographic covering and the back has the iconic floral design that you've seen on the Purple Rain album covers as well as some of the singles. This i a very col cloud Get with Jesse if you would like to own this beauty!

Sep 15, 2012

Ergo 5 String Cloud Bass...WOW!

You don't see this everyday! Jesse O'Neal is creating yet another bass cloud but this one is a five string version! He builds upright basses for a living so he knows his way around a bass! The finish is absolutely stunning and it also has symbol fret markers! So if this is one of those things you've always dreamt about but never thought it could ya go. Don't let it slip by! He has put the number at $1999.00 so congrats to whomever ends up with this work of art!

The Conversy!

Life is just a game....were all just the same....don't U wanna play? I don't know what made me join these two iconic items from my life but I think they compliment each other very well and if I ever have the privilege of owning some of the other different color clouds I'll add those photos to these! Check out the line of cloud colors in the form of Converse below!

Listen,   People call me rude...I wish we all were nude....I wish there was no black or white, I wish there were no rules!

KG's Yellow Cloud Guitar!

All finihsed up in that great yellow paint with gold specks in it and black symbol fret markers! I think he has a cloud guitar factory at his house! I might have to start a blog just for his! Great job KG....keep it up! Oh...he say's this (non-playing) cloud needs a new home!!! Jump on it!