May 31, 2017

Stanley's Beautiful Cloud!

Wow, Just received his new cloud from the awesome Kevin Gregory! Thats how I fell about every cloud guitar I see! Hold on to it Stanley.....don't let it go!

Cloud In Case!

Cloud Art

May 27, 2017

Best Table Setting Ever!

Thank you Patrice Files
Now bring on the pancakes!

Sometimes It Snows In April (Book)

I got a very cool e-mail from a guy who wrote a book all about Prince with one of the chapters dedicated to his guitars. He has been a fan his whole life and he also has his own artwork in the book as well! He is trying to get it translated and published for the U.S. so we will have a chance to get it! He sent me a few photos of it posing with his beautiful rave blue cloud guitar! 
Thank U Rudy

May 13, 2017

Building A Cloud!

Ruff Looking Cloud!

I'n not sure on the backstory on this cloud but it was posted by Shyota Nakagawa. It looks like a Edwards ESP to me but I think it's seen better days! But I still love it!

May 7, 2017

The Last Cloud?

Wow....I finally received the new blue cloud from Paisley Park and it looks great and it looks even better with it's family! Will this be my last cloud? I was asked if I would be getting anymore but at this time I don't know. the only ones left would be the Batman / Graffiti Bridge black cloud and the Superbowl orange cloud. Who knows...if it happens it happens! The peuple cloud in the second row came to me a few months ago and it is stunning! I know he never made a purple one but how could I not get that! Thanks to all the people who helped make this happen over the years!

May 5, 2017


Finally....this one has eluded me for along time but almost 17 years later I have it! I had a chance to get one when I got my white cloud but it was just too much money at the time. I always regretted it but now all is well....I just need a bigger place! It was never my intention to collect guitars like this but it just kind of happened.  It really is beautiful and I'm diggin the purple lined case too!

Orange Cloud Mystery Solved!

We have all seen this photo for years which appeared around the time Prince was to do the Superbowl.

We all assumed that was what he was gonna use but he opted for the purple symbol instead. Had never seen another pic of it....until now! They do not mention anything about the Super Bowl but at least now I know it exists!

May 4, 2017

The Alpha Cloud

Originally a bass guitar it was the inspiration for the iconic cloud guitar used by Prince. in 1978 Prince purchased it for Andre Cymone when they were out in L.A. working on the 4U album. It has appeared in videos over the years like "My Name Is Prince" and "Why U wanna Treat Me so Bad". Word has it that it still resides in Paisley Park somewhere.

Reithen's Orr Guitar 4 Sale!

Reithen Satire Curtis is building a replica Orr Guitar. It was used by Prince early on in his career long before thw cloud and symbol. If your interested in it contact Reithen.

This pic was posted by Ralph MacMurray on Facebook a while back. The man in the photo is said to be John Haga. Sorry I don't have anymore info than that. Obviously an old photo but I can't be sure when. The Iconic Honer/Honers and I know he used a black cloud on the Parade Tour and we all know about the white clouds.

The cloud on the wall could be the Andre Cymone cloud he used early on. It could be some kind of repair shop or just somewhere on tour.....either way its a great picture!