Apr 11, 2018

Sneak Peek!

Here is a cool sneak peek at Dave Rusan's new orange cloud!

Apr 10, 2018

Cloud Art

artwork by Devaughn McDonald  

Apr 8, 2018

Dave Rusan's White Cloud #7

A beautiful and stunning white cloud guitar with gold hardware built by David Rusan.
Photos by Bob Cole

Purple Rain on a Yellow Cloud

Click the link below and check out this sweet smooth version of "Purple Rain" on a yellow Schecter cloud guitar!

Apr 1, 2018

L.T.'s Purple Rain Cloud!

Wow....it seems like so long ago when Appolonia climbed into the Kid's window and gave him the iconic white cloud guitar. Check out this very cool customized white cloud guitar made by Anthony L.T. Butowicz! I'm loving it all L.T. especially the Kid killin it between the frets! I know it's hard to think about Prince these days without feeling the sadness but this puts a smile on my face....Thanks for doing this for all of the fans out there in the purple universe L.T.!