Oct 23, 2018

Cloud Sighting!

An opening act for Justin Timberlake had a yellow cloud guitar! This was posted by Luciana Pagnetti in the cloud guitar group in FB.

Daddy Pop!

Check out BassKilla with that funky yellow bass cloud!

Oct 21, 2018

All My Clouds!

I haven't taken a picture of all of them together for awhile now so I thought I would share them with you! I'm sure some of you are wondering where I got them all so I put what I can remember down below.

 My very first cloud was the white one shown here on the left from PP. the yellow, Peach and the rave blue were also purchased from PP years later. The two natural finished clouds in the back (guitar & bass) were made by Jesse O'Neal as well as the Blue Angel and the peach cloud on the right. The one hanging on the wall (Non-Playable) was made by a woodworking artist on Etsy a few years ago. The yellow one on the right I bought from Daniel Davis but I'm not sure of the origins of that particular cloud. The Purple one on the right was made by an overseas manufacturer two years ago.

Whoa...What The?

Wow...Green, Left handed and a ESP! I don't think there is a more unique out there but I think I say that about every post but this is certainly a cool and unique cloud!

Oct 12, 2018

Prince Tribute Art

A 20" X 20" Prince art tribute piece is for sale on Etsy.

Oct 7, 2018

Cloud Art

Coline Delaborde

Oct 6, 2018

Brittany's Rusan Cloud!

Wow what a great cloud guitar! This is Brittany McDowell's new classic white cloud guitar built but Dave  Rusan Guitar Works! Congrats Brittany!