Jul 13, 2020

The Bronze Cloud

The Prince Henderson Legacy Project Inc. is finally complete and on display in Henderson Minneapolis! They did an amazing job and after a few fixes this work of art is available for all to see. The main focus of course for me is the amazing cloud guitar and even though he had moved onto the symbol guitar in this era it's still nice to see it with him. The cloud guitar is so iconic and it will forever be a part of this great man! Thank you Prince Legacy Henderson Project Inc. for doing such a wonderful job with love and respect to our friend...Prince Rogers Nelson.

Jun 8, 2020


Sideview shot of my yellow and peach clouds!

May 12, 2020

Prince Legacy Henderson Statue!

From inception to the final design.....to the physical mold and finally the assembly it looks like this statue is coming along very nicely!

Jan 17, 2020

Reithens Darth Cloud?

Reithen Satire Curtis is building himself a cloud starting with black hardware....hmmmm! I have always loved the all black clouds that I've seen over the years but funny enough I've never had one. Our boy Prince used one for a short period and I see the ESP clouds in black quite a bit! Most of the time the hardware is gold or silver...love to see what Reithen comes up with! (No pressure my friend!) You have to name it Vader right?