Oct 3, 2010

Left-handed Cloud

This photo was sent to me by Patrick of his Black left-handed Cloud! It's always good to see a Cloud guitar in black and for it to be left-handed as well makes it even more special! Love the bird like inlays between the frets as well! Thanks again Patrick for sharing it with us all!


  1. Hello, I don't really how 2 get in touch with u or Patrick, but a "left handed" cloud is exactly what I'm actually looking for. A dream coming true. Could u help me in this search, who could make such a guitar 4 me.

    Please let me know if u can.

    Purple greetings.

  2. I'll do what I can Yace!

  3. Thank you, that's much appreciated and btw I live in France ;-)


  4. Digifuwil you can send him my e-mail adress...I'll see what I can do

  5. Thanks Patrick....I was gonna ask before I did.

  6. I sent him an e-mail Patrick....I hope you can help.....thats a great and rare cloud!

  7. i am also looking for a lefty cloud guitar....and here's a rare one...a Lefty Cloud 4 String BASS!!!
    what would it cost to have the bass built with Alembic pickups & an Audere Preamp???

  8. Hey T.Bone, I would have to say a Left-handed 4 string bass would have to be the rarest of the rare my friend! It would have to be made for you and I would have to guess that it would be at least $2,000.00-$3,000.00.
