Sep 2, 2013

Jesse's In The Cloud Zone!

OMG......he's creating some cool clouds and that blue one has my name on it....I so can't wait! Great job Jesse! Starting at $1,500.00 one can be yours....just let him know!


  1. oooh!! One of these babies actually has my name on it too!
    I contacted Jesse earlier in the year to build me a clone of the Kids axe with a scrolled horn and a hint of pearl.
    I'm super impressed every time i get an update!
    Cant wait to have this baby shipped over to Australia so i can get stuck into it!

    1. Hey Leffegunn, Jesse is such a great craftsman and I know your gonna love it....let me know when you get it and send some pics and I'll be glad to post it! Love to check out your down under cloud!
