Nov 10, 2024

Teflon Perignon's Cloud!

A few cool shots near Paisley Park from Teflon Perignon with the Rave Blue Cloud and a great shot of the Prince Memorial Hwy sign.

I work from 6 am to 2 pm Monday thru Friday. I don't remember what the actual day was or date , but I can tell you it was some day in the month of March. 2 pm. came around, and it was time for me to get off of work. I had no plans no going to the pawnshop on this day. The thought of going to the pawnshop wasn't even on my mind. As soon as I clocked out from work, God touched my heart and told me to go to the pawnshop. I said okay God and immediately drove to the pawnshop. Right when I walked into the pawnshop,I saw a Cloud Guitar hanging with the other guitars. I immediately said to the guy working there, " I need that right now "!. The guy says to me, " We just brought that one out"! I said really?! And he said yes. Then I asked him, "What's the story behind it?! And this is what he said. A lady came into the pawnshop three days ago and pawned three guitars. The first two sold immediately. I said " WOW "! Then he said that she told them that she used to work out at Paisley Park, and Prince played each guitar he sold to grace his spirit with it. The pawnshop was asking $2,210.00 for it. I asked them how low will you go?! The manager was on the phone with the big boss and she asked him my question, and he said $1,600. I said okay let's put it on layaway. I put the guitar on away in March and made the last payment on it at the end of July. The payments were $259.00 a month, I believe. I could be wrong, but I think that's pretty close to it. I walked away paying $1,745.00 for this guitar. Thank you, God, for blessing me with this unbelievable treasure. Amen


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