Jul 30, 2013

Cloud Art

Here is a cool cloud guitar graphic that you can order from redbubble.com as a poster, card or prints. I have not ordered one myself so I can't speak to the quality but if I do I'll let you all know. I have ordered other items from them before and the quality has always been good.

Jul 26, 2013

Rusan Guitarworks

You have no excuse not 2 get one!


This is deffinatly a cloud inspired guitar and it's 4 sale right now for about 1k on eBay! It reminds me of a guitar I posted awhile back....check the link below.

Jul 14, 2013

Killer Collection!

Ok maybe I'm a little biased but who wouldn't want this collection in their house? Great job Luis....that is truly awesome! You have me by one......that would be the Model c and if I did have it I don't think I could display them as well as yours and don't worry about the Mrs. she'll come around...lol!

Jul 9, 2013

Blue Angel Inspired Cloud 4 Sale!

Jesse O'Neal has created yet another beautifully crafted cloud guitar! He has made several of these in the last few years and each seems to be better than the last. It is currently up on eBay (link below) so get your bids in if you would love to own this awesome work of art.....be quick, I've already put my bid in!


Jul 1, 2013

Wes Swick's Sick Purple Cloud!

What a truly beautiful (and rare) purple cloud guitar made by Wes Swick and it's been one he has been waiting for since he first saw Purple Rain back in 84' he say's, and it looks like it was well worth the wait! I'm proud to post this breathtaking cloud into the blog of which Wes has done the header cloud artwork for...Thanks again Wes and congrats on the new bouncing baby cloud! Any names yet?