Dec 30, 2016

Dec 29, 2016

Nice Cloud Bass!

Stumbled upon this beautiful cloud bass 4 sale....I don't know a lot about the company or website but I thought I'd post it anyway. It looks like it is a customization guitar shop so if anybody has gotten anything from this site let us know! 

Dec 23, 2016

A Rave Blue Cloud For Christmas!

Congratulations Frederic....she's beautiful! Cloud guitar cases are really rare it good to see you have got one!

Brandon Bailey Johnson's CD!

I actually received Brandon's CD awhile back so I'm a little behind in posting this. I thought since he has made some amazing video's honoring Prince I thought it would be appropriate to take a shot of it with the white cloud! Thanks again Brandon and keep doing your thing!

All That Glitters is K.G.'s!

 Beautiful Kevin! A great way to honor him!

Dec 16, 2016

Prince Sculpture "The Kid"

Very cool sculpture of Prince "The Kid" from Purple Rain holding the white cloud! The post on Facebook where I seen it said it was made by Davide Di Donato out of Italy.

Dec 4, 2016

Schecter's New Cloud Specs.

These are the specifications of the new cloud guitars that will be available from Paisley Park. Get your order in now! The price is $1,750.00 

Dec 3, 2016

Act I & II Black Cloud Guitar is Up For Auction

Your gonna have to dig deep into your pockets if you want this one! Supposedly it was won in a contest during the tour and was givin to the winner by Levi Seacer Jr.

Nov 26, 2016

Nov 25, 2016

New Clouds 4 Sale at Paisley Park?

Well now this is interesting......It seems that paisley Park might be selling the white and blue cloud guitars again like they did in theearly 200's via the NPG website. This info came from Dr. Funkenberry's instagram account. Thanks to Wes Swick for giving me the heads up on this! I don't know much more than that but when I do i'll pass it along to all of you!

The Mother Load!

Wow! if your looking to score one, two or five clouds at one time well look no further! Oh....and if you have 15K lying around wouldn't hurt either! Now in his discription he says that he is not really trying to sell them so I'm not sure why they are on ebay? I have to say just from looking at them they look good....not sure whats up with the plates on the back but I have to assume they are bolt-ons and these are the plates he had?  Check the link below to get more detail on them! Good luck!

Jim Ersay's Yellow Cloud.

Well if you remember this yellow cloud was purchased for $137.5K by Colts owner Jim Ersay. I don't see the whammy-Bar on here but I was told this is it.

Nov 20, 2016

LPP Vol 1 Ultimate Collectors Book!

Wow! Check out the link to Troy Gua's latest work of book form! Don't hesitate these things tend to go quick! 

Nov 8, 2016

Reithan's Last Cloud?

He says he has one more cloud guitar left in him so if you have ever dreamed about owning one of the most iconic guitars in history well here's your chance! Just get with Reithan Satire Curtis on Facebook and workout the details.....this could be your lucky day!

Oct 24, 2016

Jonathan Ross & Chelsea

The Yellow Experience!

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Benjamin Scott DeLaney on the beautiful left-handed purple cloud!

Cloud Art


Paisley Park Security?

Well a lot happened this last week starting with the opening of the Paisley Park museum (that still hurts to say) and all seemed to be going well until some photos got out of a few people posing with the purple piano and rave blue cloud guitar in a very some very disrespectful ways. So I had to respond with this meme!

Hand Made Cloud From a Video!

I think it looks great and the fact that he did it just by watching the "I Wish U Heaven: video is amazing!

I was 15 years old and built my first guitar...the Blue Angel. It's lacking quite some detail but that's due to the fact that i only had a blurry VHS tape of "I wish you heaven". In this video the cloud guitar rotates across the screen which was the only way to make a drawing of the guitar!

Crazy Cloud Art!

I love it though!