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Jan 28, 2012

Troy "Gett Off" Gua!

Scope this.........yet another amazing replica of his royal badness from the MTV Video Music Awards back in 91' and as you might remember he had his own wardrobe malfunction except it wasn't a malfunction at all! Troy Gua never ceases to amaze me as well as thousands of others with his creations. This one comes complete with the yellow cloud guitar which was also hand made by's just 2 perfect!

Here are a few pic's of the construction of the mini yellow cloud guitar.

Jan 22, 2012

Leopard Guitar Strap!

I finally got my hands on one of those leopard guitar straps so I had to do a little photo shoot to show it off! I got it on for about $45.00 if anyone is interested in getting one and I'll add the link at the bottom of the post. I have to say i think  it looks pretty goo along side my white Schecter cloud and the Jesse Blue Ergo could as well as the  Hohner "The Artist"reproduction!

Jan 21, 2012

The Art Of Troy Gua amazing are these figures of Prince? Troy Gua has captured his face exactly....he's a true artist! More amazing than his likeness of prince is all the detail in the clothes and guitars right down to the opalescent paint on the white cloud! I've seen a few other Prince figures over the years but this is by far the best I've seen! His reproduction of the Hohner guitar is as amazing as the cloud! I'm sure this won't be the last we see of his artwork.....I can't wait to see what Price era he does next but for now let's all enjoy these! There is a link to his website below....go and check it out when you have a chance! Great job Troy!

Jan 15, 2012

Cloud T!

Well I guess I can't wait for Prince to offer up some T-Sshirts so I started making my own! Nothing fancy....just your basic iron-on! Maybe in time I'll work my way up to do some cool silk screening!

Jan 13, 2012

L.T.'s New Yellow Cloud!

L.T. has finished his new yellow cloud guitar and it looks amazing! It's still unnamed at the moment but L.T. joked about calling it "The Smithsonian" in reference of the one that was donated a few years back! This could be the twin to that cloud! I loce the symbols between the frets (I gotta get some of those) Maybe he can call it "Agent Smith"...or the "Gett Off" Cloud or The "Yellow Fury"....I could go on and on! Down below are some photos of this cloud in production up til the finished product! Great job L.T., enjoy it!

Jan 8, 2012

Jan 6, 2012 cool is this website!  It's dedicated to just Prince guitar picks past & present. I never realized that there were so many out there. I only have one Prince pick so I have a way to go to catch up with this guy! Great idea....I wish there were more sites like this from Prince fans!

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