Nov 10, 2019

He's just a Bit 2 leisurely! cute it this? Dreaming about those clouds....I have no doubt this little guy will be hearing a lot of Prince as he grows up! 

Nov 9, 2019

Soren Laisen's Cloud

Great looking cloud.....even unfinished it's really a beautiful work of art!

Nov 6, 2019

Noah's White Cloud - Complete!

Ok I'm normally not the jealous type but DAMN! How can you not love this classic white cloud made by Steve Stahl for Noah Payne! Wow...the spade fret markers really do it justice just like the ones that were built by Prince back in the day by Dave Rusan and that truss rod cover spade is perfect! Congrats to you Noah and looking forward to your vids! Lock your! Love seeing another cloud owner...Welcome!