Search Cloud Blog

Aug 22, 2010

Kevin's Cloud!

Yeah.....I have to say I'm a little jealous but I appreciate Kevin letting me post the photos of his Tangerine Cloud! This is the one made by L.T. that's in the previous post. It's a beautiful guitar from top to bottom so you better hold on to it Kevin....I know alot of cloud-0-philes that would love to have it! There are also some photos of this work of art being built that I'll do in a separate post.
I love the gold symbol fret marks as well!I would love to know the signifigance of the #1 at the top of the neck Kevin?
Even sitting in the Ohio States chair it's still a great looking guitar! LOL....just kidding kevin and thanks again for letting me post it!


  1. Thanks for posting my Cloud Guitar!!! Oh and special thanks to Anthony LT for hookin' me up with this beautiful guitar! Ready when U are LT!

  2. No problem deserves to be here! Thanks to you and L.T.

  3. Just wanted to let you know that the Tangerine Cloud Guitar is on sale on Ebay right now!! Asking price: $1500

  4. The significance of the number's, (1-3) on the head-stock plate was how Prince (and/or the tech's) would be able to tell which one they were working on after Prince started getting more than the original White Cloud used in Purple Rain, and then not catching them when he would launch them after a performance. Dave Rusan often would get requests to include these on the one's he currently makes for accuracy purposes for some of his clients. Thanks for posting all the great Cloud pic's over the years! ~Mark~


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