Mar 24, 2015

"The Moment" with LPP

Best moment of any movie ever.....the reveal of the white cloud guitar! I remember going to the movies to see Purple Rain and up until that point I didn't know the cloud guitar even existed. The only videos that were out at that time were "When Doves Cry" and "Let's Go Crazy" and there were only quick glimpses of it in the Let's Go crazy video but not enough to really see it. Then the scene in the mall where he took Appolonia's gold anklet and stopped in front of the infamous window display where an inverted cloud was hanging on a  mannequin! my eyes it was the coolest thing I ever seen! Who knew that years later I would have a collection of them. Thank you Troy Gua for taking the time to recreate this scene with LPP (I know your a busy artist) it's perfect! 

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