Aug 31, 2019

Cloud Vs. Cloud

Wow...not sure where to start with this post....

I'll start off by saying this. There is no one else on the planet "NO ONE" more qualified and deserving to build the Cloud guitar than Dave Rusan and he should be allowed to do so. He built the iconic white cloud for Prince to be used in the Purple Rain movie. It seems that Paisley Park / estate wants Mr. Rusan to stop making & selling the his cloud guitars.

 I just want to add that I have never spoken with Mr. Rusan, Paisley Park or Sardonyx on this issue.

The history of the cloud guitar as I understand it is that Sardonyx originally designed the cloud guitar but it was a bass version I assume in the late 70's. It probably was a one-off that got forgotten about and I don't think that Sardonyx ever had a patent or copywrite on it to my knowledge but the story goes...Prince and Andre Cymone were in L.A. when they spotted it in a window and Prince bought it for Andre.  You can see it being used in the " Why do you treat me so bad" video and also much later in the "My name is Prince" video for a split second. As everyone knows the movie that put the cloud on the map was the movie "Purple Rain"!

  I remember seeing it for the first time in the movie and "WOW" it was truly stunning! The cloud was used for years after that as well as being painted in many colors. The last time he used it to my knowledge was in the Live in Las Vegas DVD where at the end he laid it on the floor and laid his hanky over it.

When I started this blog I didn't know anything about Dave Rusan...I just made it out of love for Prince and the cloud guitar. Over the years I've learned a lot about it's history.

How I understand it is that Paisley Park / The estate want Mr. Rusan to give up his trademark to the cloud guitar that he's had for a year and a half now. I don't think they have asked him to stop building them but I assume that would be the next step. I have purchased a few clouds from Paisley over the years and am happy to do so and I love them and one day I would love to get a Rusan cloud. I don't understand why there can't be both? I understand wanting to protect the Prince legacy and when you see the cloud guitar there is only one person you think of but to not allow the man who built the Purple Rain cloud to continue to build them seems petty.

 There are 4 levels of clouds the way I see it. 

1. The ones that Prince owned and played throughout his career. 
2. Dave Rusan's clouds. (extremely high Quality)
3. Paisleys clouds made by Schecter.
4. Luthiers from around the world who make Clouds. 

People always ask me if my clouds are fake and I always have to ask "What is fake"?  I always say unless Prince handed it to me himself then yes it's a fake/reproduction and that's fine and because to me they are all beautiful. 

Mr. Rusan's and the Paisley's clouds are the closest you can get to the real thing. I see no reason that both of these entities can't co-exist and even thrive together it seems that Dave Rusan has tried to meet them halfway but the estate seems to have different ideas sadly.

Dear Paisley Park,
 I am like most of the millions of Prince fans here and around the world and can't think of Paisley Park without thinking of Prince....they are one in the same to us. Please allow Dave rusan to continue his work and build these amazing clouds!

Let Paisley Park know your thoughts on this!

Thank you.


  1. There is a 5th type of cloud that Prince sold in his NPG stores in the 1990's - they were produced by Andy Beech and setup by Zeke Clark. Few were actually sold, thus many were given away to the hard rock café franchise..... nevertheless, they are notable legitimate cloud guitars.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. ...... also, not forgetting the ESP/Edwards clouds with locking trems.
