Jun 19, 2011

Lost Cloud Art

I had almost forgotten about this drawing I did of Gemini from the Batdance video years ago. I remember watching the premiere of the video in my dorm room and blown away by it! Normally my room was packed with people but I watched it alone that night....I guess they didn't realize the importance of the moment....LOL! I was so inspired by the video that I drew this up in just a few hours! Not long after this I transferred to another base and had it packed away in one of my sketchbooks! It ended up in a box in my sisters basement for the last 20 years (thanks April) until I picked it up last Christmas. When I went through my stuff I came across it again and it was like seeing it for the first time! I had totally forgotten I even drew it and to see it with the black cloud guitar displayed dead in the center of it was a nice surprise!

I hoped it would scan well and with a little touching up here it is! I know I'm not the best artist in the world but I tried to capture that bat moment in time!

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